CIGA – Social Media Policy

Responding to messages

  • CIGA’s social media accounts are generally monitored during business hours between from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. CIGA aim to respond promptly to comments where necessary
  • If your query is urgent and relates to concerns with cavity wall insulation and / or involves personal details, please contact CIGA using an alternative method – Tel: 01525 853300 or email [email protected]
  • CIGA will endeavour to answer simple queries quickly on social media. However, if the matter is complex or requires a lengthy or detailed response the matter will be taken up via email or verbally where appropriate
  • Questions, statements and messages which are in breach of our Social Media Policy will be removed and may see the person who posted the message blocked


  • CIGA will not tolerate offensive or abusive images or language on its social media channels and will endeavour to remove them. CIGA consider inflammatory statements, remarks of a racial or discriminatory nature and unsubstantiated allegations, to be abusive behaviour.
  • Please do not post any comments that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or discriminatory.

CIGA will remove any statement considered to be any of the above and report them to the relevant platform administrators.

  • Do not troll; this means do not create conflict on our social media sites by posting messages that are particularly controversial or inflammatory, off-topic or extraneous with the intent of provoking an emotional response from other users or CIGA staff. Any such comments may be removed and may lead to blocked accounts.
  • Do not bully, harass or intimidate any individual or organisation.
  • Do not impersonate someone else.
  • Be civil, tasteful and relevant.
  • Do not post content that is that copied where you do not have copyright authority.
  • Do not post the same message, or very similar messages, repeatedly. (also called “spamming”)
  • Do not publicise your, or anyone else’s, personal information e.g. contact details.
  • Do not advertise products or services.

Blocking and unfollowing accounts

  • If CIGA block your account, this will be as a result of the Policy being abused or if you’ve followed CIGA purely to promote a product or service that is not in the best interest of CIGA guarantee holders e.g. Promotion of claims companies that encourage misuse or abandonment of the CIGA guarantee.
  • CIGA understand that people can become angry when they feel that matters about which they feel strongly are not being dealt with as they wish however If that anger escalates into social media activity considered unacceptable as outlined in the moderation section, your account may be blocked

Liking and following

  • CIGA frequently follow or like people who provide information that is pertinent to our work (for example UK government agencies and our other public sector partners) or those whose information can be passed on for the benefit of householders and CIGA members.
  • Occasionally CIGA will follow a person to establish direct messaging contact where appropriate.
  • When liking or following someone, retweeting or sharing their information, it does not mean CIGA endorse them.

Social media channels may occasionally be unavailable. CIGA accept no responsibility for lack of service due to platform downtime.

CIGA thank you for your continued support.