Renovations and home improvements

After you have had Cavity Wall Insulation installed you may want to carry out home improvements or renovations. Before a company carries out work on your home it is always worth taking the time to go through a few checks before you proceed. Poor workmanship can result in damage to your property and the cavity wall insulation resulting in your CIGA guarantee being void.Home Improvements

CIGA strongly recommends that the householder checks that any company carrying work on their property is reputable and that they are aware that the property has cavity wall insulation installed. All reputable businesses will factor this into their work plans accordingly.

Here are a few ways you can check

Does the company have a base?

  • Check the Companies House website
  • Look for an address on the company website and check it has a registered office.
  • Check the website for a phone number that is preferably a landline.
  • Call the telephone number – Don’t be satisfied if you are put through to an anonymous call centre. At this point you will need to do more research

Have you checked the company website?

Not all companies have a website and this isn’t necessarily a sign that they are not reputable however if a company does have a website it doesn’t necessarily mean they are legitimate either but it can give you some helpful pointers:

  • Check for a privacy policy and a company history on the site. This will help you identify how long the company has been in operation, the company culture and their mission statement
  • If the website has testimonials from happy clients or customers check for similar phrases or unusual wording that may indicate they are written by the same person.
  • Check the companies refund policy
  • If you are making payment online check the web page has https:// at the start of the url and that a padlock or key symbol is displayed in your browser showing it is secure.

Are they accredited?

Depending on what goods or services the company provides, it may be accredited by a trade body or similar organisation.

  • If the company claims to be a member of a trade organisation check directly with the body that the firm’s membership is genuine.

How are you paying?

Legitimate companies will accept methods of payment in addition to cash. It may be tempting to get a ‘better deal’ by paying cash but it won’t offer you the same security as paying by credit card.

  • Paying for work with your credit card will help to avoid a rogue company clearing out your bank account. Find out more about credit card protection

(No reputable company will expect you to sign a contract on your doorstep or on a pressured timeline)

Does it feel right?

Often your gut instinct will be very reliable, if you are not comfortable dealing with a company then take your business elsewhere.

What should you do if you get scammed?

If you think you have been scammed, tell your bank immediately, inform trading standards and report details of the crime to Action Fraud, either via their website or by calling 0300 123 2040.


Also see Cold callers and claims companies